Doctor Who: 10 Great Actors Who Need To Play Villains

2. Lara Pulver (On Screen)

As a whole, it seems like the roles that go to pretty girls are the companions. The villains are left to being men with booming voices or attractive men. Why can€™t we have a young, attractive female to be a villain? Following the idea that BBC only has a few actors, it€™s only a matter of time before another person from Sherlock appears on Doctor Who €“ the first being the soothsayer from The Fires of Pompeii, who also played the cab driver in A Study in Pink. I€™m incredibly biased towards her, but I think that Lara Pulver is gorgeous and can easily play a seductive villain. While that may not have been reasonable for the Eleventh Doctor €“ who covered his eyes when River put her foot up in Let€™s Kill Hitler €“ I have no trouble believing that Twelfth Doctor would deal with a seductive villain just fine. We sort of had one with Madame Superior in The Time of the Doctor, but a villain who relies on her body to get what she wants €“ yes, essentially an extraterrestrial Irene Adler €“ would be new territory for Doctor Who, and it would be wonderful to see it happen. However, Lara Pulver also would have no problem playing someone who is more evil than anyone we€™ve seen. And while the seductiveness may turn the heads of parents who have children who watch the show, wouldn€™t it also be showing girls that you can be smart €“ possibly smarter than the Doctor €“ and pretty? This role would break a stereotype that television has set up for itself, and do so wonderfully.

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.