Doctor Who: 10 Irritating Nu-Who Trends That Need To Die
7. Companions Who Fancy The Doctor There's nothing intrinsically wrong with this idea. In fact, given the circumstances it would be amazing if a companion didn't develop a crush on The Doctor - Young, Exciting, Sweeping you away in the dead of night to have amazing adventures - it's astounding that he doesn't spend all of his time filing restraining orders, to be honest. That said, it's a valid enough story, but it's a story we've been told already. Several times. When Rose left we were presented with another companion who was in love with The Doctor. True, the point of Martha's story was specifically to contrast it with Rose's story. The Doctor didn't feel the same way, and it did lead to the most well written and moving companion departure the series has ever seen (oh yes it did), but that didn't stop a great deal of groaning and eye-rolling at the time. Donna was a breath of fresh air for just wanting to hang out with The Doctor and not mooning over him endlessly, and at the time it felt like we were done with this particular thread. Then Amy showed up and it all started again. Ditto Clara. We've heard this story already. Move on.