Doctor Who: 10 Mind-Blowing Uses Of Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

2. Rose And The Doctor's Christmas Conversation

One of the bigger themes of Russell T Davies's era was that the Doctor should never be alone; this was an idea that he so movingly showed us in 'The Parting of the Ways' when Rose returned from the distant past to save her best friend, and it was one that shaped the end of Ten's reign. The conversation at the end of 'The Christmas Invasion' was one that would signal a new chapter in Rose's and the Doctor's relationship; Rose asked the Doctor what he was going to do next. "Oh you know, back to the TARDIS... same old life," he said. "On your own?" she asked, before he invited her, again, to travel through all of time and space with him. When the pair of them were standing on the beach at Bad Wolf Bay though, the same conversation took place. She asked him what he was going to do, and he gave the same reply. She asked if he'd be on his own, and he didn't have an answer, as millions of Whovian hearts broke. It was a wonderful reference but so, so sad.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.