Doctor Who: 10 Mind-Blowing Uses Of Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

1. The Endless Bitter War

'A Good Man Goes To War' really did feel like a sci-fi epic; the Doctor would rise higher and fall further than ever before. But why did Kovarian hate the Doctor quite so much? It's a question that most Who fans palmed off with the answer, "Moffat". It was widely assumed that the divisive head-writer himself was just telling us about this hatred rather than showing it, so imagine the surprise when we learned about the history of the Silence in 'The Time of the Doctor'. The endless, bitter war was quite literally a war on Trenzalore than went on so long that Matt Smith started to resemble William Hartnell. That's Doctor Who for you. Timey-wimey, non-linear and wonderfully foreshadowed.
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