Doctor Who: 10 Mind-Blowing Uses Of Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

9. River Knows The Doctor's Name

Tension mounted and Lux exploded, telling Ten and River that they were arguing like an old married couple. The pair then exchanged a telling glance, and River told him that she had to reveal she knew his name. Watching back 'Silence in the Library', it's easy to assume that River's revelation was foreshadowing her marriage to the Doctor, but in reality, she never actually said his name then. It's unfortunately a sham marriage for a start, but more importantly, the fact that River knew his name suggested something altogether darker. River was in fact foreshadowing 'The Name of the Doctor'. Of course, she didn't know when she met Ten that the Great Intelligence would try to break into the Doctor's tomb with just his name, but looking back, it's a great reference to the story, and the whole 'Doctor Who?' arc.
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