Doctor Who: 10 Mind-Blowing Uses Of Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

8. The Early Series 4 Clues

Rather than a codeword to look out for in Series 4, Russell T Davies mixed things up with a few subtle clues of the events that were to come. We all noticed Rose shouting "Doctor!" through TV screens everywhere, but some clues were subtler than others. Upon visiting Earth, Astrid mentioned how there were no stars in the sky. A line that's easy to miss, as we were all to bothered with Bernard Cribbins's Wilf in that scene, who foreshadowed quite a big story himself. Just an episode later, in 'Partners In Crime', Donna took a taxi with an "Atmos" sticker on the back. It's back then that we were still working out the finer details of the arcs. The bees disappearing was a clever touch, but these references were just ingenious. Did anyone actually spot them first time?
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.