Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show

8. Spoilers!

Internet may have ignited a renewed enthusiasm for an old television show, but it's also brought with it new ways to enjoy Doctor Who, not to mention new ways to make the writers' jobs difficult. River Song's catchphrase is a reaction to some of these difficulties. It's a catchphrase that belongs totally in the modern world; the word "spoilers" refers to the leaked details that will, quite literally, spoil the story for fans, and every time River utters the word to the Doctor, she might as well be telling the fans themselves. After all there are a fair share of mysteries relating to her in the past, that leaked online; she was the perfect character to give this catchphrase to. No, River isn't a portrayal of "one of those fans" who spend their days reading the internet for clues on the next Doctor Who series. But she does give often answer a dilemma that fans often have: it really is better to wait for the story, and not read it online.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.