Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show

7. "My Doctor"

Every Doctor Who fan has a Doctor. It's different to preferring one version of a story to the next, or having a villain you're most scared of; the first Doctor that you watch has a significance, and he raises a bar for which all other Doctors must compete. The phrase "My Doctor" is a common one among Whovians when referring to their defining Time Lord, but it's a phrase that's often used in the show itself, not least when the Tenth Doctor meets the Fifth Doctor. "You were my Doctor," Ten beams, perhaps noting that this incarnation has borrowed most of his personality from that one, but also just speaking as David Tennant to Peter Davison. It's a phrase too that Harriet Jones mentioned a couple of times when she saw that the Ninth Doctor had gone, replaced by a newer model. We expect our characters to love certain incarnations as much as we do - it's the way we invest our own love - but using the exact phrase, "My Doctor", really is connecting to the fans; it's a way to show us that even though we're separated by a TV screen, the Doctor can mean the same to them as he can us.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.