Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show

6. Reaction To Regeneration...

Some might say that Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor regenerated at just the right time for the show. It was back then that Russell T Davies was still introducing elements of the Classic series, and this was a huge move that would not only lighten up Doctor Who for Series 2 and advance Rose's character arc, it would cement the core concept of the show in the final episode of its first series: all things change. All things move on, and the Doctor's no different. But naturally, Rose wasn't to know this. Neither were the NewWhovians, who back then, had probably heard the term "regeneration", but didn't know what exactly it entailed. Rose had the perfect reaction: she didn't know what was happening, and was scared of this change. Likewise, Clara knew it was inevitable, but didn't want her Doctor to go, and that's exactly the same reaction of so many people who got into the show thanks to Matt Smith. The companion has always been the character for the audience to latch onto. A good Who writer never forgets this, and in every regeneration scene - every one when a companion's there, of course - she needs to reflect us.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.