Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show

5. ...Reaction To A New Doctor

Just as a companion should be scared of the Doctor regenerating, a new Doctor should have to prove himself. And that's not just the new incarnation; whichever actor takes on the role is starting afresh with the last actor's characterisation as only a rough template. The audience, as much as the companion, can't accept a Doctor until he gives us a reason to. Again, Rose had the perfect reaction to the Tenth Doctor; she didn't believe it was him until he was fantastic, if you'll pardon the blatant reference. When the Eleventh Doctor told Amy to believe him for twenty minutes, he was also asking the audience to believe him too. If the rumours are to be believed about the Twelfth Doctor's early days, Clara will be sceptical of him, as she's got so used to Eleven. It makes sense that our feelings should be replicated in such defining moments for an incarnation. It's a unique idea that the protagonist can change his face and still be the same man, but that doesn't mean we love each Doctor from the start as much as we loved the last one. It's a relief that writers realise this, and don't take the audience's attachment to a Doctor for granted.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.