Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show
"Oh..." the Fifth Doctor whispered to the Tenth, apparently understanding exactly he was talking to. "You're a fan. That LINDA lot. Are you one of them?" Whilst we all have our opinions on 'Love and Monsters', what we can't deny is the marvellous message that Russell T Davies was trying to send out. This is a group of strangers that were brought together by the Doctor - rather like we are as viewers - but they actually became great friends. We've all got questions that we'd love to ask him, we'd all love to be asked to travel with him, but with LINDA, Davies was showing us that the Doctor's simply a means to bring people together. He's never an end. He's just there to show you how wonderful life can be. The message rings true, even when the episode slides; you don't need the Doctor to fight aliens, you and your friends are stronger than you think. RTD not only portrayed Whovians, he showed that they don't need the Doctor to be great. Always remember that, next time you're thinking of how rubbish that episode was.