Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show

3. Clara's Role In The 2013 Specials

Clara, like the Who fans themselves, has been there in the background of the Doctor's life from the very beginning, which is a lovely metaphor for all the people that had ever made the show work. But when it came down to the most important moments of his life, Clara became more like the voice of the fans than she'd ever been before. She, like us, has seen every face of the Doctor. Yet when the three Time Lords stood around the Moment, hands at the ready, she cried and said she never imagined her Doctor being the one to press the button. That's a sentiment echoed by almost every fan of McGann and Eccleston; no one would want their Doctor's incarnation tarnished by that act. It became clearest though in 'The Time of the Doctor' that Clara is just a Whovian, when she told the Time Lords, "His name is the Doctor. All the name he needs." Because true Doctor Who fans know that it doesn't matter. We were all expecting an ingenious twist from Moffat that would grant the Doctor immortality, and all it took was for one fan to tell the Time Lords that his name is the Doctor, and that he should be loved. Whether it was an anticlimax or not, that's really quite beautiful that the Doctor earned another regeneration cycle because the fans loved him and asked for it.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.