Doctor Who: 10 Props And Costumes That Miraculously Still Exist

2. A Mechanoid

Mechanoid Initially intended to be recurring enemies of the Daleks, and just as merchandisable, the Mechanoids were created to be intimidating and with formidable firepower. Literally. One problem was, the props built, which relied on the same principle of locomotion as the Daleks, were far too big. Any Dalek operator will tell you of the claustrophobia felt inside the Dalek props. However the prop builders went too far the other way with the Mechanoids and as a result, the props were too big to get into the studio and were limited in regards to their movement around the set. Thankfully the climactic battle sequence took place in a film studio at Ealing, outside the notoriously small Lime Grove Studio D. However, after this, the Mechanoids had not endeared themselves to anyone from a production point of view and nobody was in a hurry to re-use them. It was presumed they were lost or destroyed. But at least one is known to survive. It was kept in storage, due to its size, it couldn't fit into any exhibition space. That was until the Doctor Who Museum in Blackpool added an extra floor in the mid 00's. With more space available, the Mechanoid could be displayed in all its glory. The prop had amazingly aged very well with only minor wear and tear and like the original Dalek, is testament to the excellent building technique of prop builders, Shawcraft Models. The Mechanoid wasn't seen again since the exhibition closed. It has either been stored again or sold on, but there is a good chance that somewhere a Mechanoid still exists.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.