Doctor Who: 10 Questions We Have About 'The Day Of The Doctor'

7. How Will Ten And Eleven Act Together?

Doctor Who Of course, this is less of a "what will happen" but "how will it happen" question. And we all know they'll get along swimmingly, but it's still a talking point of the episode. Will the two of the them finish each other's sentences or will there be any initial friction? Is either of them worried about a paradox, or as Moffat suggested, is it simply a battle of who's the cooler incarnation? It's the fun of a multi-Doctor story, and a portion of fans seem to have forgotten about the relationship between these two characters, just because we've had confirmation that they're the only two Doctors appearing (other than Hurt). It's interesting to see in The Five Doctors though that Hurndall's First Doctor somewhat takes charge of his older versions, and that in The Three Doctors, it becomes clear that Two and Three really don't see eye to eye. What's the dynamic like though between two NewWho Doctors? What will the companions make of the "other" Doctor? And as a final thought on this subject, how brilliant would it have been for Nine to be the grump in between a pair of Tiggers?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.