Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Reece Shearsmith Should Appear In Future Second Doctor Adventures

7. Mark Gatiss As Series Head Writer

Doctor Who Mark Gatiss Tardis As the man who's done the most to kick-start interest in the classic era of 'Who once more, there would be no better accolade for Mark Gatiss than to be given the job of running any series of classic Doctor revisits. As a television series writer he's arguably done as much as Steven Moffatt for 'new Who' €“ see 'Victory Of The Daleks', 'Night Terrors' and 'Cold War' from the Eleventh Doctor era, 'The Idiot's Lantern' for the Tenth and the Ninth's 'The Unquiet Dead'. As actor he's played Richard Lazarus in 'The Lazarus Experiment', 'Danny Boy' in 'Victory Of The..' and Gantok in 'The Wedding Of River Song.' To which we can add his novelised works for both the BBC Past Doctor Adventures and Virgin New Adventures ranges. Whether its 'The Roundheads', 'Last Of The Gaderene', 'Nightshade' or ' St Anthony's Fire' they all bear his stamp. And he's even served as writer, actor and director in a few Big Finish audios. If you've heard 'The Sirens Of Time', 'Phantasmagoria', 'The Mutant Phase', 'Sword Of Orion', 'The Stones Of Venice' or ' Invaders From Mars', all of them feature his many talents in some capacity. Plus he played an alternative Master in 'Sympathy For The Devil'. So let's give him chance to helm TV and/or audio series with David Bradley and Reece Shearsmith as his leading men. As ' An Adventure In Time And Space' showed us, they can do it and would most likely do an amazing job while respecting the legacies of those who made it all possible in the first place. If it goes well why not even make the leap and allow him to take over from a certain Mr Moffatt if and when he decides to give up being Master of the Land of New Who? Seems only right to us.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!