Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Why The Show Should Return To The Classic Format

2. Classic Format = More Classic Doctors?

matt-smith_doctor_who11 ' Time Crash' with the Fifth/Tenth was fun and all, but can we have ' proper' full length past/present Doctor meetings beyond the 50th anniversary, potentially? It's a shame the Second Doctor never got to meet his Eleventh self, as Matt Smith had clearly been taking notes. Why is there a reluctance to pair old-time and classic Doctors unless its an anniversary special, even in the audio adventures? In this anniversary year, surely now really is the best time to do so, and there are so many great potential pairings as yet unexplored ( the Sixth with the Ninth, as perhaps the best ' surviving' pairing, though with the wonders of audio/visual technology we could also comfortably match First & Seventh, Third & Eighth etc). Plus what of the allusions to former selves by the men they become? We could hear and maybe even see the First's presence for the beginning of the Long Song on Akhaten, and surely there's great potential for further Celestial Intervention Agency adventures for the Second, recruiting his past & future selves for assistance in a similar manner to ' The Two Doctors,' dishing out advice as a TARDIS hologram? There really are endless possibilities here, so now, pass that recorder, and lets show everyone we can dream as big as the classic series dared to. What it lacked in cutting-edge effects was more than made up for by its scope of vision, and more time and space to play with surely means we can involve classic Doctors. Hell, we can hope.
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