Doctor Who: 10 Ways The Doctor Could Break The Regeneration Limit

8. A Paradox Can't Be Created, Thanks To The Doctor's Future

Peter Capaldi In 'The Big Bang', the Doctor escaped the Pandorica. We don't know how. We just know that a future Doctor returned from the past to save the current Doctor. And for most of us, it was enough, that there was a timey-wimey "doesn't matter how" at the ready. The Doctor does have a future. If it's not the Curator, it's Peter Capaldi €“ perhaps a simple existence of this future will be enough to not create a paradox. Maybe Moffat will leave it unanswered, and leave it to be explained one day, tied up with the idea that, well, obviously the show must go on, and that's why it has. It's an anti-climactic answer, sure. It's somewhat confusing, and a bit of a let-down, but it's a possibility, judging by Moffat's continual unanswered questions throughout the years.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.