Doctor Who: 11 Awesome Timelord Rock Songs

3. The New Assistant

Rose Tyler Billie Piper 2 Tom Milsom - also known as Hexachordal around the world wide web - has done a bunch of great Trock songs, but this is definitely a favourite. His use of digital synthesiser and almost MIDI-like sounds is very fitting for the sci-fi theme. "The New Assistant" describes the wonder that companions - and viewers - feel for the Doctor; "How does he always seem to make it?" indeed. Like many other Trock songs, this one is written from the perspective of a companion. Perhaps this is the great thing about companions in general - it's easy for us to put ourselves into their shoes, and often it is through them that we see the Doctor and the series as a whole. By writing Trock through the eyes of the companions that we all know and love, many of these artists are able to make the genre more accessible and relatable for the listener. The great thing is, Tom Milsom has his EP "Trockstuff" available for free download through DFTBA records, and "The New Assistant" is the first track! Trockstuff Download Page:
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When she's not watching Doctor Who, writing songs about Doctor Who, or enthusiastically discussing Doctor Who with fellow fans, Chelsea can be found watching musical theatre, reading, writing, or dressing up in costume. She likes tragedies, Tim Burton and tea; she believes that her spirit animal is an owl; and her life motto is "don't forget to be awesome".