Doctor Who: 11 Awesome Timelord Rock Songs

4. Hello Sweetie

riversongdoctor This is the kind of track which is so delightful and upbeat that it just makes you fall in love with it upon the first listening. It's another ukulele song, and comes complete with a harmonica solo! Who doesn't love that? "Hello Sweetie" takes the epic relationship between River and the Doctor - which spanned all of space and time and almost five series - and neatly sums it up in a two minute track. It's a very gorgeous Whovian take on a love song, complete with obligatory cheeky references to River's "handcuffs" and "spoilers". The line, "I'm stubborn and I love you", sung from River's point of view, basically sums up some of the best bits about her character in a mere six words. On the whole, this track has a very folksy, indie sort of feel, and the main chorus refrain, "Hello Sweetie, are you real?" gets into your head, making it perfect for singing along to with some friends. The singer is Anna Stewart, and her YouTube channel is "wonderfulworldofAnna". Check out the video - it's a montage of clips put together from varying episodes featuring River and the Doctor, and it's great for reminiscing on favourite Eleventh Doctor/River Song moments.
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When she's not watching Doctor Who, writing songs about Doctor Who, or enthusiastically discussing Doctor Who with fellow fans, Chelsea can be found watching musical theatre, reading, writing, or dressing up in costume. She likes tragedies, Tim Burton and tea; she believes that her spirit animal is an owl; and her life motto is "don't forget to be awesome".