Doctor Who: 11 Awesome Timelord Rock Songs

9. You Are Not Alone

The Master Personally, I'm a bit of a fan of epic ballads - every genre has one, and Trock is no different. I like to think of YouTube user "songsfrompaul"'s "You Are Not Alone" as the Bohemian Rhapsody of Trock; it's a five-minute odyssey which would be perfect to play at a party full of slightly tired or tipsy Whovians just waiting for something with which they could sing along rowdily. This track is based around the series 3 episodes "Utopia", "The Sound of Drums" and "The Last of the Timelords", with the Master tormented by the beating of the drums in his head - and this rhythm is perfectly captured by the strumming of the guitar between certain lines. What makes this song all the more awesome is the way it comes accompanied by a "terrible lip-syncing video" in the words of the singer himself. He might have been getting "terrible" confused with "wonderfully geeky" - the film clip is topped off with costumes, dramatic facial expressions and theatrical hand gestures. Awesome!
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When she's not watching Doctor Who, writing songs about Doctor Who, or enthusiastically discussing Doctor Who with fellow fans, Chelsea can be found watching musical theatre, reading, writing, or dressing up in costume. She likes tragedies, Tim Burton and tea; she believes that her spirit animal is an owl; and her life motto is "don't forget to be awesome".