Doctor Who: 11 Awesome Timelord Rock Songs

5. Moffat Ruined The Internet

Moffat This track, from American Whovian and YouTuber "live2tivo", is a fun little song played on ukulele (the most awesome of all instruments). The voice of the singer is suitably bright and upbeat to complement the piece, which seems kind of wonderfully ironic considering the subject matter of the piece. "Moffat Ruined the Internet" captures the love/hate relationship we all have with current showrunner Steven Moffat. It's is based around the episode "The Bells of St John" - in case you don't remember, it was where the Wi-Fi connections of ordinary people began trapping them in a cyber nether-world. In particular, this track is about the way in which Moffat takes ordinary things that might be a tiny bit scary in certain contexts and turns them into WOW HIDE BEHIND THE SOFA kind of scary. The way this Trocker laments, "Whenever I got worried there was one thing I could do, leave it up to Moffat to ruin that thing too" and then appeals, "Why didn't anyone warn me about the way that Moffat scares?" epitomises it all. Moffat! *Shakes fist*
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When she's not watching Doctor Who, writing songs about Doctor Who, or enthusiastically discussing Doctor Who with fellow fans, Chelsea can be found watching musical theatre, reading, writing, or dressing up in costume. She likes tragedies, Tim Burton and tea; she believes that her spirit animal is an owl; and her life motto is "don't forget to be awesome".