Doctor Who: 11 Episodes To Watch Before The Regeneration Tomorrow

10. Vincent And The Doctor

You can€™t do a Doctor Who marathon of Eleven episodes without this episode. Many people call this episode a Doctor Who classic €“ because it has all the makings of a classic episode of Doctor Who. This episode goes back to what Doctor Who is all about €“ time travel and helping people in need. Of course, no one can forget what Amy and the Doctor do for Van Gogh, and show him that despite his current misfortune, what how well known his paintings become. This is a purely classic Doctor Who episode because it brings back with Doctor Who used to be known for €“ teaching kids. It€™s not centered around a villain we€™ve seen multiple times or by any means seemed to be aimed using gimmicks to get viewers. This was just a touching episode of Doctor Who that many people have dubbed their favorite episode because of how emotional it is. So for that reason, if you€™re marathoning Doctor Who episodes, you can€™t forget Vincent and the Doctor.

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.