Doctor Who: 11 Iconic Things From Matt Smith's Era

4. Speeches

This is where I€™m going to fangirl for the next 300 or so words about how well Matt Smith delivers his speeches. Now, this wasn€™t something I even realized I enjoyed until the Rings of Akhaten, where he gives his glorious speech about everything his been through. The speech that made me €“ and many other Whovians €“ cry, especially when we saw the Doctor himself cry. No other Doctor has given speeches as much as Eleven have. I can count four (Two during the Pandorica/Big Bang, A Good Man Goes to War and this one) and I€™m sure there are more. I can€™t type into words how wonderful this is, how theatrical these speeches are, how deeply Matt feels the Doctor and how beautifully he portrays the pain, loss, sorrow, and yet beauty and wonder the Doctor has seen throughout his years. And how badly he wants this God of Akhaten to take feed off of these memories to save the people. We€™ve seen the Doctor save people time and time again. But this, I would argue, would be the first time that we€™ve seen him step into the line of fire, and selflessly give part of himself up in order to save the people. There is so much that this scene portrays, that all of his speeches portray, is a loving and caring Doctor who only wants the best for the people around him, and with Eleven, it is in his speeches that we see this. In the Big Bang speech next to Amy€™s bedside we see him say €œLive well. Love Rory.€ Not live well and remember me, because he knows he€™ll be forgotten. But like the Akhaten speech, the Big Bang speech is a reminder that this Doctor, at the pit of who he is, only wants the best for the people around him, his friends, and who he€™s just met.

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.