7. Crack A Few Jokes

Doctor Who is the ultimate celebration of life. Its a joyous and daring programme at times, and its success is that it isnt tied down by any formulaic TV conventions, it can do anything, go anyway, and its always had a sense of fun about it. Thats part of its charm. So I was extremely elated to hear that when Capaldis Doctor comes through the other side of regeneration, he still thinks hes Matt Smith! How barmy is that? We know from The Thick Of It that Peter is excellent at the comedy; he even won a comedy award for his portrayal of Malcolm Tucker, cant get better than that! So Twelve shouldnt be too dark and tortured, he needs to keep the quintessential humour that defines the Doctor, and is notably prevalent through Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker, David Tennant and Matt Smith. Is it any coincidence that the four mentioned are rated highly by Who fans? So go on Pete, crack a joke or two. 'A Zygon, a Sontaran and River Song 'walk into a bar...'