Doctor Who: 20 Genius DeviantART Creations You Need In Your Life

19. Face Of Evil

By: Harnois75 A Tom Baker era episode, Face of Evil, this picture really achieves a sense of pulp Science Fiction. I used to like that old paperback artwork, which was the stock in trade of cover designers back in the day. It usually featured the central theme of the book and the very best was always capable of conveying the feel of the story inside its cover. It had to, since there were no computers, instant media or anything else that might help. I only hope that we never get to some future multiverse in which I have to write that it had to, since there were no actual painters who could create a good digital image! The twisted, almost gooey, trees and alien jungle warmth are conveyed beautifully in the warm colours. There's even the detail of the butterfly at foreground. Cover work of this type usually did have something like that in it. Like all the artists featured here, it's worth having a look around the general portfolio. If you're into the classic era then this is for you. The problem with Harnois75 is that this artist does too much good stuff €“ there are any number of works from the portfolio that might have found their way into this list.
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Doctor Who
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Hello, I'm Paul Hammans, terminal 'Who' obsessive, F1 fan, reader of arcane literature about ideas and generalist scribbler. To paraphrase someone much better at aphorisms than I: I strive to write something worth reading and when I cannot do that I try to do something worth writing. I have my own Dr Who oriented blog at