Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Why The Second And Eleventh Doctors Should Share Adventures

5. A Meeting of Bow Ties/Personalities

Doctor Who Bowties When they briefly psychic-link in 'Shadow Of Death' the first observation the Second makes is that his future self's tie is 'rather fetching'. And what an introduction it would be if they were to bumble over how great each other's fashion sense is before realising something's a bit wrong and teaming up to stop it. After all, they're both great clowns,with an undercurrent of steel and calculation. New Whovians are referred to the likes of the aforementioned 'Tomb Of The Cybermen', 'The Evil Of The Daleks', 'The Seeds Of Death' and ' The Web Of Fear' for brilliant examples of this. Rigging the doors of the Cyber-Tombs for maximum electrocutional effect, giving the Daleks the 'Human Factor' in a neat reversal of their original plan to Dalek-ize humanity,steering an Ice Warrior fleet into the sun,double-crossing the Great Intelligence and undoing the Land Of Fiction were all in a day's work despite the facade of buffoonery. And the Eleventh does it just as well. Consider his back and forth with those sexy fish vampires in 'The Vampires Of Venice' regarding the nature of their plan. 'Someday that's going to work',he laments, and later on it does, sort of. The 'self-destruct button' that turns out to be a Jammy Dodger in 'Victory Of The Daleks'. Yet despite all this buffoonery, they both realise that some corners of the universe have bred the most terrible things and must be stopped at all costs. Hence his gambit to deal with the Silence and faking his own death to escape their clutches, seemingly fulfilling their prophecy. Dealing with 'Mr Clever' by bluffing over a chess move? Piece of cake. And so perhaps the most compelling case for putting the two together rests.

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