Doctor Who: 8 Things We Might See In Series 8

6. €œRevisiting A Few, But Just The Old Favourites.€ - The Curator

The Curator left us with more to think about than just the return of the Time Lords. He told the Doctor that he may end up revisiting some old faces in future years, which, naturally has lead to a lot of speculation and fan theories. With the return of the Time Lords, will the Doctor be able to cross his own timeline more freely than before without the terrible repercussions that he has always warned about? Maybe so - 0r perhaps Tom Baker€™s character was bringing a different message entirely. Perhaps he was hinting that the Doctor would soon receive a new regeneration cycle, as he indeed did, and that he might be able to choose his new bodies at some point. If that is the case then the Curator may have been a later, or maybe the final, incarnation of the Doctor, who chose to retire as the Curator of the National Gallery. Will Capaldi be visiting past incarnations in series 8 or will the actors of past Doctors be appearing as future incarnations of the adventuring Time Lord? There is of course the chance that Baker€™s appearance was purely non-diegetic and was simply a nod to the fans.
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My life is an odd blend of the real and surreal. By day I study law but by night I live my life vicariously through science fiction and fantasy, as a Whovian, gamer and writer.