Doctor Who: 8 Things We Might See In Series 8

5. €œOh You€™ve Redecorated! I Don€™t Like It.€ €“ The Doctor (Tennant)

Many things change when the Doctor regenerates, he always selects a new wardrobe and sometimes creates new hardware for his Sonic Screwdriver. One other thing that is often changed is the TARDIS control room€™s €˜Desktop Theme€™. Most Doctors have done a spot of redecorating, or in some cases the TARDIS has done it for him. Capaldi€™s Doctor may decide that he wants something new. This is probably unlikely to happen, not straight away at least. Smith€™s Doctor was quite lucky in that he was given the chance to fly four Control Rooms, the coral desktop, his whimsical desktop, the junkyard TARDIS and then the new neon one. The current neon Control Room has only been with us since series 7, it would be a shame to waste such a new piece of Time Lord interior design. As of yet we know very little about Capaldi€™s Doctor, so the current desktop might just be dark and serious enough to echo the new Doctor€™s personality. The Control Room has definitely matured from its last look, so the old girl might get a few more flights before she bows out. One thing is certain if the desktop does get changed during series 8, the previous Doctors will hate it!
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My life is an odd blend of the real and surreal. By day I study law but by night I live my life vicariously through science fiction and fantasy, as a Whovian, gamer and writer.