Doctor Who: Patrick Troughton's 10 Best Bits

1. 'The War Games'

Doctor Who The War Games It's the end and the moment has been prepared for in incredibly trippy fashion. Also noteworthy is that it's the first time we ever see Gallifrey on screen and the debut of the Time Lords. You'd think they'd be grateful to the Doctor for calling them in to help put a stop to the War Lords, led by another of the Gallifreyan kind in the form of the War Chief but tragically no. The premise is simple enough too. As the title implies, there are indeed war games afoot. With brainwashed soldiers kidnapped from various eras of history being made to fight in War Zones simulating their home eras to determine the strongest of the bunch. Who'll then be placed into a battalion of the selected few and used by their masters/captors to conquer the universe. It also sees the debut of the hypercube. Remember the spacey Rubiks Cube from 'The Doctor's Wife' ? As first explained here its a method by which Time Lords can send letters of thought andor speech to each other as well as bypass Royal Mail delivery charges. Even more amazingly the Doctor manufactures one from four separate pieces of white cardboard using nothing but the strength of his own mind. We almost certainly guarantee you won't be able to make them to send birthday or Christmas greetings to your friends though! Once his plea for help is received by his people there's finality in the air. Both he and the War Chief are placed on trial for going against the strict Time Lord policy of non-intervention. Compared to the Chief who's promptly erased from time, the Doctor gets off lightly. Jamie and Zoe are returned to their own times with next to no memory of their Fab Four reject lookalike friend. Gallingly, as if that weren't enough of a blow, he loses the natty hairdo and never gets another chance to have a blow on his recorder. The next time he appears he'll have a new body and personality, and the lack of proper onscreen explanation for it will lead into the rich mine of discussion that is the Season 6B theory. That said do feel free to drop a line to the Land of WhatCulture! to discuss all that and celebrate the rich legacy of Doctor Two!

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!