Doctor Who: Patrick Troughton's 10 Best Bits

3. 'The Dominators'

Doctor Who The Dominators Pass the hankies. We've reached the beginning of the end as 'The Dominators' is the opening story of Series Six, and the Second Doctor's last. By now Victoria's left the team and in her place comes Zoe Heriot. A strikingly intelligent young lass, she's from the 21st century and takes up the offer to travel time and space at the drop of a hat following the events of 'The Wheel In Space'. They're taken to Dulkis and quickly find themselves investigating just what the Dominators and their cuboid robot servants the Quarks want with the peaceful Dulcians. Having established that Toba and Rago (the titular Dominators) want to drill through the crust of the planet in a bid to mine energy using the natives as slave labour the Doctor's dream of a peaceful holiday is quickly turned to dust. Not before he's had chance to lounge in a deckchair and let Jamie have a little play with a beach ball. But any dreams they have of becoming the new Beach Boys are quickly sidelined by the pressing need to inspire the placid inhabitants of the planet to fight back against the invaders, whose scheme to use the brightest and best of the Dulcians to replace Quarks (deemed important parts of an unseen war effort on their home planet) forces the Doctor to convince the pacifists to ward off their oppressors. It's also a great advert for the 'special sounds' section of the Radiophonic Workshop's remit. Why do the Quarks sound as they do? the answer lies in actress Sheila Grant's voice, which was electronically treated to achieve their every chuckle, scream and just about any other emotional state you can think of. Wondering where they've got to in new-Who? Take a look at the Tenth Doctor issue of the 'Prisoners Of Time' comic and you're in for a treat.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!