Doctor Who: Ranking Debut Doctor Stories From Worst To Best
2. The Eleventh Hour - The Eleventh Doctor
A fairytale, with giant alien eyes, a duckpond, a creepy fish-snake trying to escape from prison, and a very intriguing crack in a very intriguing wall The Eleventh Doctors introduction serves as a completely clean slate for the show with a new production team, new Doctor, and a new companion. The Eleventh Hour is the most unique and interesting interpretation of a companion introduction since Turloughs must kill the Doctor trilogy with the Fifth Doctor in 1983. Amy Pond meets the Doctor as an 8 year old girl, cooking him dinner before he swans off for 12 years. Returns to find Karen "blimey she's attractive" Gillan dressed as a police officer, with psychological issues relating to a certain " Raggedy Man". Our new man is Tennant-esque from the outset, but recovers after a crack round the head with a cricket bat. Despite losing his sonic screwdriver, his TARDIS and having a new body to cope with, he manages to save the world from being boiled alive by the Atraxi, space police who look like giant eyes (Its Doctor Who, go with it). Matt Smith's first episode is beautifully shot, acted, directed and written, and starts the season with a bang. It also sets up the rest of The Eleventh Doctors entire era, with references to The Silence the aforementioned Crack, and the Pandorica opening. A New TARDIS, a new outfit (bowties are cool) a new screwdriver, and a new companion, Matt Smiths first outing really feels like something completely new, in a very very good way. I dont care what the internet says, Steven Moffat is a genius.
Massive Doctor Who fan, guitarist, chubby fella with a passion for long coats and heavy metal. Journalism graduate, and comedy fascist. Occasionally spotted in dark alleys dressed as The Undertaker. Tweet me.