Doctor Who: Ranking Debut Doctor Stories From Worst To Best

2. The Eleventh Hour - The Eleventh Doctor

A fairytale, with giant alien eyes, a duckpond, a creepy fish-snake trying to escape from prison, and a very intriguing crack in a very intriguing wall€ The Eleventh Doctors introduction serves as a completely clean slate for the show with a new production team, new Doctor, and a new companion. The Eleventh Hour is the most unique and interesting interpretation of a companion introduction since Turloughs €œmust kill the Doctor€ trilogy with the Fifth Doctor in 1983. Amy Pond meets the Doctor as an 8 year old girl, cooking him dinner before he swans off for 12 years. Returns to find Karen "blimey she's attractive" Gillan dressed as a police officer, with psychological issues relating to a certain " Raggedy Man". Our new man is Tennant-esque from the outset, but recovers after a crack round the head with a cricket bat. Despite losing his sonic screwdriver, his TARDIS and having a new body to cope with, he manages to save the world from being boiled alive by the Atraxi, space police who look like giant eyes (It€™s Doctor Who, go with it). Matt Smith's first episode is beautifully shot, acted, directed and written, and starts the season with a bang. It also sets up the rest of The Eleventh Doctors entire era, with references to €œThe Silence€ the aforementioned Crack, and the Pandorica opening. A New TARDIS, a new outfit (bowties are cool) a new screwdriver, and a new companion, Matt Smiths first outing really feels like something completely new, in a very very good way. I don€™t care what the internet say€™s, Steven Moffat is a genius.

Massive Doctor Who fan, guitarist, chubby fella with a passion for long coats and heavy metal. Journalism graduate, and comedy fascist. Occasionally spotted in dark alleys dressed as The Undertaker. Tweet me.