Doctor Who: Ranking The Introductions Of Every Doctor

2. The Eleventh Hour

In 2010, swift changes had been made in Doctor Who, in front and behind the camera. Matt Smith was cast as the Eleventh Doctor by new executive producer and head writer, Steven Moffat. The Tenth Doctor's era had been massively popular with audiences, elevating David Tennant into the popular culture pantheon. Recently, The Moff revealed that the BBC even considered ending the series after his predecessor, Russell T Davies, decided to leave. With such pressure to deliver on the series continuation, it is no wonder the team was on top form with "The Eleventh Hour". Smith owns the screen from start to finish as he messes with the life of Amelia Pond, who grows from an innocent child to a confident kissagram, in a battle to save the Earth from incineration due to Prisoner Zero hiding from the Atraxi. The lack of any real regenerative trouble allowed the new incarnation to really introduce himself, and Smith's ability to seamlessly turn instantly between the light and dark side would become a trademark trait of the Eleventh Doctor. The scenes between young Amelia and The Doctor are wonderful - the first real representation, on screen, of most of the audience's first relationship with the Time Lord. The 65 minutes was so much fun, overall. There was a good story here. It was quite a symbolic moment with Eleven finally completed his costume and stepping out of the hologram of past incarnations before telling the Atraxi to "Run". The Doctor is in. Who da man?!

Graduate Writer. Big gamer. Loves Doctor Who... a lot.