Doctor Who: 10 Best Dalek Stories

1. Genesis Of The Daleks

The Daleks
BBC Studios

Now this is an origin story. One of two run-ins Tom Baker had with the Daleks, the first introduced us to Davros, and set us amidst the Kaled/Thal war we had seen only once before back in 1963's The Daleks. The Doctor had been pulled from the TARDIS by the Time Lords, plonked him on Skaro, and asked him to commit genocide against the soon-to-be-created Dalek race. Even with the opportunity to save millions of lives in the future, The Doctor still couldn't bring himself to destory the Dalek race.

Davros, the Kaled scientist and creator of the Mark III Travel Machine was also introduced, with the two now-longtime foes meeting for the first time. After the Dalek machines were created, the Daleks turned on their own creator, murdering him in cold blood. Though he didn't entirely die (it's Davros at the end of the day, they'll never kill him off), it further raised the evil bar the Daleks had sat at, even though we had no idea it could go any higher. The duologues between The Doctor and Davros are sublime, and the peril each and every character find themselves in throughout is almost unbearable.

This is the Daleks at their very best- or worst, actually.

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Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.