Doctor Who: 10 Best Dalek Stories
8. The Dalek Invasion Of Earth

Back in the 60's, Dalekmania was at its peak. After 1963/4's The Daleks, anticipation for the pepperpot's next on-screen appearance was astronomical. However, their next terrifying story was much more grounded than that of their escapades on Skaro. The Daleks came to Earth. Set 200 years in the future of the present day at the time (1964), The Doctor and co. arrived on an already conquered Earth. Seeing the Daleks glide through the streets many people know was terrifying indeed.
Though the plot revolving around the Daleks replacing the core of the planet with an engine to turn it into a giant spacecraft was rather daft, the execution and tension through the six-part serial was top-notch. This episode also featured a Doctor Who first, with Carole Ann Ford's Susan remaining in 2164 London with David, representing the actress' departure from the show. The Daleks patrolling Westminster bridge has become an iconic scene in television history, having been recreated multiple times since it was shot back in the sixties.