Doctor Who: 10 Best Dalek Stories

4. The Stolen Earth / Journey's End

The Daleks
BBC Studios

The close of David Tennant's final full series raised the stakes higher than ever before. The Daleks' plan was beyond anything they had ever tried before- and they had help. After apparently surviving the destructive power of the Hand of Omega in 1988 (and subsequently the Time War), Davros was back. This time, the Daleks were going to destroy everything. Their plan was to be the only species in existence, breaking down the rest of the Universe into atoms, then the atoms into- nothing.

Davros' insanity shines through once again here, with the Daleks once again turning to their creator for help. The ensemble cast of characters from throughout the Russell T Davies era returning for this two-part finale also made these episodes even more memorable. Though, the Doctor-Donna series arc conclusion felt rather lazy. Potentially a hot take that, I know.

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Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.