Doctor Who: 10 Best Dalek Stories

3. Remembrance Of The Daleks

The Daleks
BBC Studios

After Peter Davison took to the TARDIS in 1982, the classic era Doctors from there on out each had only one Dalek story. When Sylvester McCoy arrived to see the show through to cancellation, his Dalek story goes down as my personal favourite Dalek (and Doctor Who) story ever. 1988's Remembrance of the Daleks explored the peak of the Dalek civil war, one faction being led by the Supreme Dalek, with the other led by Davros. In the middle of all of this was The Doctor and Ace.

With the Renegade Daleks messing up a plot devised by The Doctor to take out the Imperial Daleks and their leader Davros, explosive action ensues, leading to a tense final confrontation between The Doctor and Davros. One of the best things about Remembrance is how it ties back to unseen events during 1963 with the First Doctor, as he fled Gallifrey with Susan, with the Hand in tow. Also marking the first appearance of the Special Weapons Dalek, this serial explored the hatred Daleks have for their own kind, in such a way that we hadn't seen again until Into The Dalek.

Furthermore, the novelisation of Remembrance, written by the episode writer Ben Aaronovitch, explores deeper into the history of these two Dalek factions, and even how the Special Weapons Dalek came to be.

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Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.