Doctor Who: 10 Best Davros Stories

3. Davros (2003)

Davros Big Finish
Big Finish

One of the top 10 best stories to have come out of Big Finish, Davros is a phenomenal character study of the titular villain, all while excluding the Daleks from the story and allowing Davros to take the reigns on his own. We see a galactic corporation known as TAI kidnapping Davros and actually employing him to work for them as an important scientific asset, although the Sixth Doctor sees this as plan that will backfire massively, so he arrives to put a stop to TAI's, and ultimately, Davros' plans in the grand scheme of things.

This story humanises Davros without devaluing him, allowing snippets of his past to be revealed (which would be explored at great lengths in I, Davros) while also examining how Davros' mind works and how he personally views everyone and everything. This story actually reveals that, despite having good intentions, Davros will always go down the wrong path because of where he came from and how that affected his thought process. Even if you never listened to a Big Finish audio story before, this story is still highly recommended.

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Part-time museum fundraiser, part-time writer, part-time massive fan of all things nerdy,