Doctor Who: 10 Best Davros Stories
2. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar (2015)
An underrated classic, The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar kick-started Peter Capaldi's second and best season as the Twelfth Doctor in epic style. In this epic two-part opener, Steven Moffat gave us Missy/the Master (played with delicious glee by Michelle Gomez), both classic and modern Daleks, Skaro resurrected and properly shown in all its glory in Modern Who, and even the Twelfth Doctor riding in on a tank playing an electric guitar!
But the real meat-and-potatoes of the story are the scenes of the Doctor and Davros together, providing a fascinating and powerful exploration of two bitter arch-enemies who never fully understood one another due to their contrasting ideologies. However, as the story progresses, we learn that despite their differences, they are shown more as equals than they like to admit, blurring the line between friend and enemies, as shown by the ending.
Julian Bleach delivers a multi-faceted performance that takes Davros to some unexpected lengths, plus Peter Capaldi gives one of the best performances of his tenure as the Doctor. Also worth noting that this story contains the best cold opening in Doctor Who ever! All credit to Moffat, he certainly created some pitch-perfect Doctor Who here.