Doctor Who: 10 Best Davros Stories

4. I, Davros (2006)

I, Davros
Big Finish

The Twelfth Doctor once bespoke the question, "Who made Davros?" Well, this four-part audio story from Big Finish answers that very question. After hinting at his backstory in Davros, Big Finish opted to craft a four-part prelude story to Genesis of the Daleks, with each part exploring Davros at different yet important points in his life on Skaro, from his early teenage years where he aspires to be a scientist to receiving his injuries and becoming the man he is today.

We explore his entire family, especially his cold and ruthless mother Calcula (the woman who helped mould Davros into the person he is), as well as how the Thal/Kaled war on Skaro affects Davros' mentality as the story progresses and how it inspires him to create the Daleks. Terry Molloy gives, perhaps, his best performance to date, and provides the perfectly fitting prologue to Genesis of the Daleks. One of Big Finish's crowning achievements to this day.

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Part-time museum fundraiser, part-time writer, part-time massive fan of all things nerdy,