Doctor Who: 10 Best Davros Stories
7. Terror Firma (2005)

Having escaped from the Divergent Universe, Terror Firma sees the Eighth Doctor and co. arriving on Earth, which has already been subjugated by Davros and the Daleks and are immediately taken prisoners. This story sees Davros at his most insidious, trying to break the Doctor down mentally and emotionally (which bodes killer performances from both Paul McGann and Terry Molloy) as revenge for what happened in Remembrance of the Daleks.
This story also sees Davros at his most vulnerable and, at times, suicidal, developing an inner-conflict between his normal personality and his Dalek Emperor one. Quite how this story lines up with Daleks Among Us and his appearances in Modern Doctor Who is questionable given what happens at the end of this story, but that doesn't stop Terror Firma from being one of the most mind-boggling and darkest entries in the Eighth Doctor's run on Big Finish. Also, that twist halfway through the story will totally catch you off-guard!