Doctor Who: 10 Best Davros Stories
6. Revelation Of The Daleks (1985)
As rough as the Sixth Doctor Era was, there was at least one bright spot to be found, that being Revelation of the Daleks. Hiding out at Tranquil Repose, the funeral home on the planet Necros, Davros manipulates and turns the whole facility into a new breeding ground for Daleks, re-purposing human corpses into a new race of Daleks, while also turning certain corpses into food.
It's all pretty dark stuff, which allows for Terry Molloy to explore new facets of Davros, exploring his more manipulative side for the first time and masquerading as 'the Great Healer' of Necros. This story even allows Colin Baker to finally sink his teeth into material worthy for his Doctor as he debates the moral ethics of Davros' actions, and all while not coming across like a pompously aggressive jerk for once during his TV tenure! Also, the sight of Stengos' pulsing, mutating, severed head inside a transparent Dalek casing is still the most horrifying moment in Doctor Who's TV history.