Doctor Who: 10 Best Episodes To Get You Into The Classic Series

8. Terror Of The Autons

Attack Of The Cybermen Doctor Who

The Third Doctor’s time in the TARDIS, or rather out of it was one of the most unique times in Doctor Who, and brought along some of the best stories and companions in the show’s history. Terror of the Autons features two familiar villains, the Autons, unsurprisingly, the first appearance of the Master, and fan-favorite companion Jo Grant.

The Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee, is the ‘James Bond’ Doctor, with most of his stories being earthbound due to him being banished by the Time Lords. He used gadgets and vehicles as well as the aid of UNIT to help combat the alien horde that loves to invade 1970s Earth, or was it the 80s?

Terror of the Autons is a quintessential story of the time and features many things NuWho fans will recognize. Terror of the Autons has a lot of things packed into its fairly short run-time. The Brigadier is like Dr. Watson to the Doctor’s Sherlock, The Master is using disguises and forming shaky alliances with an alien race that will almost certainly betray him, and to top it off, Pertwee’s portrayal of the Doctor is one of the most unique and compelling to date.

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