Doctor Who: 10 Best Modern Villains

7. The Water Virus €“ €œThe Waters of Mars€

water virus Okay, so you€™re the Doctor and you€™ve just landed the Tardis on Mars and there is a human colony. Great. You go to investigate and then find out that you€™ve arrived at a fixed point in time, where all of the people that you€™re getting chummy with are going to die€because of the water. Oh yes. Water is scary. Water gets everywhere. Water is patient, hold on that€™s a quote. The Waters of Mars are sentient and quite murderous. It shows intelligence and most of all the ability to mess shit up good and proper. Contact with one drip of it and you turn into a cracked mouth skin dribbling water tard with only one goal; make more water tards! The water infected people are unstoppable and relentless. That€™s why we love this monster, it can€™t be bought or reasoned with it just wants to spread itself by getting to Earth and entering the sea. In the end they have to blow the whole place up to stop it. Appearances: €œThe Waters of Mars€
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The Adrian Poole is a member of the human species who occasions upon writing infrequently about those things It both loves and loathes. For more madness from this fool, why not read his blog here.