Doctor Who: 10 Best Modern Villains

6. The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe

dwdw Say that three times really quickly! In fact say it once quite slowly. Believe us that is a copy and paste, there was no way we could remember those words in order. So, the Jagrafess was installed by the Daleks (but we don€™t know about them until later in the series so they don€™t count) to oversee Satellite 5, a media station that broadcasts news to the Earth from orbit in the future. It keeps frozen dead bodies on the top floor with it to run its computers, all overseen by Simon Pegg (Tim Bisley/new Scotty) who worships the Holy Jagrathing of the Hadromaxafoe and feeds it anyone who is stupid enough to question them. The Jarafoe of the mighty Naff jacket thing is basically a ceiling dwelling blob with a mouth, but we€™re putting it on here because if Pegg is scared/in awe of it, then so are we. Best Pegg quote: €œBeing human doesn't pay very well€ Appearances: €œThe Long Game€
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The Adrian Poole is a member of the human species who occasions upon writing infrequently about those things It both loves and loathes. For more madness from this fool, why not read his blog here.