Doctor Who: 10 Best Modern Villains

5. The Master €“ Reborn

doctor-who-endoftime-master-WIDE Oh, now this one is sort of cheating. We all know that the Master is an established character from way back when. He had been in the show several times in different guises, but the take delivered by Derek Jacobi and then John Simm, was completely new and earns credit for uh, newness hence why he gets on the list and the Daleks didn't. When the Master was finally reintroduced it was heart breaking to see nice old Professor Yana turn into the Doctors nemesis. Heart breaking but awesome! The way he transformed into a male chauvinist old git after spending so much time helping everyone as the lovely, yet erratic old Professor was pure classic evil and a great way to readopt the character. The setup for the introduction was delicious, running throughout the third series of Doctor Who, all the little mentions of Harold Saxon, even in Torchwood there is a poster saying €œVote Saxon€ on a wall and when it turns out that the Prime Minister €“ Harold Saxon - is the Master it€™s just fantastic. He starts his term by gassing all of the Cabinet Ministers €“ long overdue in our book and then proceeds with plans to kill everyone else. He keeps poking his head in as one of his €˜Toclafane€™ friends murders a woman with spinning knife blades while he makes "ouch" faces mocking and trivializing the death. It€™s an excellent performance from both actors. Probably our favourite bit is where the Master is dancing around with the Doctor in a chair singing €œI can€™t decide whether you should live or die€€ He basically spends three episodes showing the Doctor what his polar opposite would look like and loving every minute of it. All this without mentioning the drumming! Can€™t stop that four beat tapping all the time even now. Can€™t you hear it? The noise? Dum dum dum dum€one two three four€ Fantastic, deranged fun, pure evil is the Master Reborn. Best Quote/s: €œKilled by an insect...a girl! How inappropriate.€ €“ Professor Yana/The Master €œWhat this country needs, right now, is a Doctor€ €“ Harold Saxon/The Master. Appearances: €œUtopia€ €œThe Sound of Drums€ €œThe Last of the Time Lords€ and later in €œThe End of Time€
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The Adrian Poole is a member of the human species who occasions upon writing infrequently about those things It both loves and loathes. For more madness from this fool, why not read his blog here.