Doctor Who: 10 Best Modern Villains

4. The Clockwork Repair Droids

dddwdw Taken from one of the all time great episodes of Doctor Who, The Clockwork Repair Droids are a great enemy. They basically stalk a child as she grows up, jumping through time windows from their 51st Century star ship to 18th Century France. Having already cannibalized the existing crew to fix the ship the fix on the French Kings lover Madame de Pompadour €“ which we find out at the end is actually the name of the ship and thus get the answer of why the droids thought that time travelling from a derelict space craft was a purposeful use of their time. We like them because they are scary in the way a childs doll sat on a chair that suddenly disappears is scary. You don€™t expect it, but they are there, in every scene, watching this girl and waiting for her to reach the right age before they cut her brain out. Just listen for the ticking and check the clocks€ Best Quote: €œYou are not complete.€ €“ best we got on this one they don't say much else. Appearances: €œThe Girl In The Fireplace€
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The Adrian Poole is a member of the human species who occasions upon writing infrequently about those things It both loves and loathes. For more madness from this fool, why not read his blog here.