Doctor Who: 10 Best Modern Villains

3. The Silence

silence They disappear from sight when you turn away and you completely forget them. Genius. They controlled most of the world and wanted the Doctor dead. Hyped up with the phrase €œSilence Will Fall€ this enemy did not disappoint when they finally reared their€sorry what were we saying? Oh yeah, the silence! Pushing our civilisation across the course of human history, the Silence. They sort of look like the painting €œThe Scream€ and have a knack of killing people/aliens/things that try to get in their way by €œdisplacing€ them. They fire a blast which turns their victims into an energy which they then absorb through a mouth-esque depression in the face. They literally suck up the life vapors. It€™s pretty freaky and very grim. These guys stuck on throughout the sixth series and were the background threat behind everything which kept us guessing when and where they€™d show up next. The fact that they basically succeeded in killing the Doctor €“ more or less €“ and that since then the Doctor has been in hiding from them indicates the extent of their power. Don€™t be surprised if these guys show up again. Best Quote: €œYou tend to my wounds. You are foolish.€ Appearances: €œThe Impossible Astronaut€ onwards€
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The Adrian Poole is a member of the human species who occasions upon writing infrequently about those things It both loves and loathes. For more madness from this fool, why not read his blog here.