Doctor Who: 10 Best Multi-Part Stories In Nu Who

5. The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion

Doctor Who Death In Heaven

In 2013 Day of the Doctor marked the 50th anniversary of the long running science fiction series and, two years later, we were treated to this sequel of sorts. The Zygon Invasion/Inversion is about as close as modern Who has come to a Cold War-thriller that was so popular in the '70s.

A group of young radicalised Zygon’s have decided they are not happy with the peace treaty struck by the Zygons and the humans in Day of the Doctor and that instead they want all Zygon’s to revert to their true forms and to seize control of the planet. These two episodes do a good job of exploring all sides of the argument including the Zygon’s who just wish to live in peace.

It also gives Jenna Coleman a shot at playing the villainous Bonnie, a role she does very well in. Throw in key supporting roles from fan favourites Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and Petronella Osgood and you’ve got a solid episode.

The story culminates in one of the speeches that gained the Twelfth Doctor his reputation as a speech-maker and is quite possibly one of the best speeches in the history of the show; as The Doctor brings Zygon and human face to face and lectures them on the ineffectiveness of war and the effects fighting a war can have on a person.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.