Doctor Who: 10 Best NuWho Episodes

8. Turn Left

Doctor Who Midnight
BBC Studios

The first part of a gigantic season finale signalling the end of the current showrunner’s tenure and barely including The Doctor?

Turn Left could have easily alienated viewers with its companion focused story, but as Blink the previous year had experimented and succeeded with flying colours, this episode proves to be one of the most effective without the titular character taking centre stage.

Catherine Tate shines as fan favourite Donna Noble as she discovers a terrifying world where she never met The Doctor, simply by taking a different turn in her car and preventing him from saving himself during the events of The Runaway Bride.

What follows is a devastating series of events which goes to some of the darkest places modern Who has ventured to, with Donna and her family put through the hardest tests we have ever seen them face.

Brilliantly directed, led by stunning performances and a wonderfully experimental story – Turn Left is a great example of a Doctor-lite episode done right.

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Writer. Lover of film and scarily obsessed with Doctor Who, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and Harry Potter.