Doctor Who: 10 Best TARDIS Interior Designs

8. The Secondary Console Room (1976-1977)

Doctor Who classic TARDIS interior
BBC Studios

Returning to all things dark and gothic now, as for one classic season only, fans were treated to a little bit of TARDIS exploration. During the Doctor and Sarah Jane's TARDIS tour, Sarah uncovered a secondary console room, that even the Doctor had forgotten existed. Brushing off the dust from the adorable little cabinet console, complete with it’s own shaving-mirror, the Doctor realises he can pilot the TARDIS just as well from here, and so he does (because why not?).

This was Doctor Who’s ‘Hammer Horror’ period, and it really shows with this interior. With its dark wooden walls and panels, as well as the stained-glass roundels, it feels as if Peter Cushing could walk in at any moment. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time Cushing occupied a TARDIS.

Another notable feature of this room is the all-new, ‘bigger and better’ scanner built into the wall, which, after this season, would become a mainstay for all classic TARDIS designs. However, the somewhat tedious looking nature of having to constantly open-up each section of the console is a bit of a let-down, and also, no time rotor, so the room is a little bit too static. The little stairway toward the exit is a nice touch though.

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A mostly bored individual who finds solace in ranting and discussing Doctor Who to anyone who cares and wants to listen. Likes Doctor Who so much he trained professionally as an actor to increase his chances of snagging the title role. Also likes other things as well. Would describe himself as a semi-hipster.